Saturday, October 25, 2014

Scarecrow Stitched Nail Tutorial :))

Time for another nail tutorial! Yayyy!! So for Halloween this year I decided to be a scarecrow and you can't complete your costume without matching nails, right? So, I began searching around Pinterest and these are what I came up with.

When I first started to do them, I wasn't too happy with how they were looking, but the final end product turned out really well and I ended up loving them! They look like somebody stitched them up.
Now these ones were more on the difficult side than other tutorials that I have done, but they are definitely doable. It just takes practice, patience, and a steady hand.     

These are the polishes that you will need for this nail design:
-A purple nail polish, I used Haphazard by Formula X
-A green nail polish, I used New Money by Loreal
-An orange polish, I used Sun Kissed by Sally Hanson's Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear line
-A black nail striper, Mine is from the Kiss Nail Art line
-And then of course a topcoat if you'd like, I use Essie's Good to Go Topcoat    

Using these three colors, paint a base towards the back of your nail to the front, but you don't need to worry about covering the whole nail. Alternate fingers with different colors, until each finger has one of the colors on them. 

I know my plain old nails don't look the greatest, but don't pay attention to them! Lol. Once you have the base color on towards the back of the nail, choose another color, different then the base of course, and make a line or a patch a different way, leaving some of the base showing. Again, you don't have to cover the whole nail, just the part where you want your next patch to be. This is not a precise step, this is where the creative part comes out of you and starts making patches in different ways. I know you have that creativeness in you, use it! 


I just went completely random with mine and hoped for the best. It looks better when there isn't a consistent pattern on each nail. Now from here, keep alternating colors on different fingers and make different patches to finish them off so that the entire nail is covered with polish. Your patches DO NOT have to be perfect, the whole point is to have fun, not get frustrated because it's not working out. You got dis gurl! Go diagonally, sideways, vertically, wavy, whatever floats your boat.

Now this is where it gets tricky and you need that steady hand. Since, we have all of the nails covered in some way or another, you are going to want to get your black nail striper and carefully draw lines in between all of the colors to seperate where they divide. 

Don't worry if it isn't perfectly straight, nobody is going to notice that flaw but you missy. Now comes time for the stitching. Go ahead and grab the striper again and VERY carefully draw on stitch marks on all of the black lines, keep them small to make the stitch look work. 

And there you have it! Stitched up nails. This is the look before the top coat, so it's not as shiny and you can really see all the different layers of the polishes, which is why I always strongly suggest using a topcoat, it blends and smooths everything together nicely.

This one never fails me! :)

Voila!! The final look all polished and shiny and adorable! Go ahead and give your shot at it and send me photos of your nails! I would love to see them!

Be sure to follow me at and follow me on Instagram and Twitter @CurlyHairNails! Thanks so much for reading this, leave any questions or comments in the comment section below! 

                                                                                                            XOXO Krysti

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